
Our hours vary by season and by day.  We are generally open by appointment or reservation.  We highly recommend that you create an account with us to log into our online scheduling software to view our hours of operation for a specific day.  We do get some walk-in business but reserve the right to send our employees home early if nothing is scheduled in the building. You can also call us at 518/664-4537.

For February and March:

Monday - Friday   3:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Saturday      9:00 am - 9:00 pm

Sunday        9:00 am - 9:00 pm

Driving Directions

Directions from the North:

I 87 to Exit 9E

Head east on Rt. 146

Go straight across Rt. 9 and continue east on Rt. 146 for 2 miles

At the light, turn right onto Rt. 236

The Sports Barn will be 1 mile up on the right side

Directions from the South:

I 87 to Exit 8A - Grooms Road

Turn right off the exit onto Grooms Road

Continue approximately 1.5 miles to the intersection of Rt. 9

Take a right onto Route 9 south

Go approximately 1/4 mile and take a left onto Rt. 236

The Sports Barn will be approximately 1.5 miles up on the left side just past the Halfmoon Town Hall